Friday, September 23, 2011

Why do people think of HHO Generator systems do not work

Why do people think of HHO Generator systems do not work

Exhaust System

The simple fact is that most modern vehicles are equipped with oxygen sensors in the vehicles computer to know if there are air / fuel mixture is too lean or too rich. Gas / petrol engines will be made to operate at an air / fuel ratio of 14.7 to 1 and when the engine is introduced, a small amount of oxygen in the exhaust emissions from the oxygen sensor installed in the exhaust system are recorded, transmitted these Vehicle information to the computer. This means that oxygen is detected when morethe system, the vehicles computer thinks that it is not enough fuel in the mixture (too lean), so changes and allows more fuel into the opposite happens when the computer detects less oxygen, the vehicles computer thinks there is too much fuel in the mix ( too rich), so that reduces the supply of fuel to the engine.

There is a big problem with this, but once you add a HHO generator and gas hydroxy to burn fuel more efficiently, the oxygen in theIncreases due to exhaust the fuel is burned more efficiently, is the main reason for this first Less fuel is used to produce the same performance and 2. Less oxygen is used to create carbon monoxide in the exhaust system. The main point is that there is more oxygen in the exhaust system has become more efficient as a fuel.

Since the fuel efficiency achieved and provided more oxygen in the exhaust system, the computer thinks that not enough vehiclesIn the fuel mixture (too lean), so that adds more fuel incorrectly to the mix. For this you have an EFIE (Electronic Fuel Injection Enhancer) to match the vehicle. The EFIE solves this problem by adjusting the oxygen sensors signal to the computer so the computer is satisfied with the readings and then is always the correct settings for the different states of the engine.

One thing to remember is that this device is not EFIE fuel efficiency alone.If all you had to do was add an EFIE to your car, with no other fuel efficiency system, you can get a few mpg, but you could not, and your strength, reducing the amount of fuel lost in the mix from the vehicle . The reason for this is that fool the onboard computer and run it out of spec, or differently, which was designed for. The EFIE is designed to make the car to race spec after another device has been installed fuel efficiency.

Do not install a EFIEDevice is the main reason why people say that the HHO systems do not work. Found with the old maps in the Internet age is not recommended to build and install your own HHO system, these plans are good for us to explain the principles of how these systems, but not as much as is necessary to achieve one of these systems Measuring your vehicle for optimum fuel efficiency. This is another reason why I always recommend purchasing plans, the tried and tested, and whyhave the latest information about the system and HHO EFIE devices.

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